Monday, June 4, 2007

Starting a New Project

Well, I've finally started a Blog. I recently joined a sewing contest at, called SWAP 2007. It is a project to sew a wardrobe of clothing, 1 jacket, 4 bottoms, and 6 tops so that when you go to your closet to get dressed, everything goes together and can be interchanged. I often sew this way, if I buy fabric for a jacket, I'll get coordinates for pants and tops.

I've been sewing for years, at least 40yrs for myself, my mom, my sons, my friends and even for other people for money. My favorite things to sew are jackets, they give you lots of sewing time and impact for the money. I also love to knit, and have dabbled in spinning and weaving.
Spinning is very relaxing, but I don't have much time for it. I like the product from weaving and the planning, it's the execution that's boring. Sitting in one place throwing the shuttle back and forth.

To pay for this creativity, I have to go to work. I'm a chemical engineer and have done some very interesting and important work, but most of the time I'm bored. I'd rather be at home creating.

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